“Fast-Track to Net Zero: How Global Cooperation Could Slash Emissions by 2030”

"Fast-Track to Net Zero: How Global Cooperation Could Slash Emissions by 2030"

New Scientist details a pathway to reach net zero emissions five times faster. The Exponential Roadmap Initiative suggests that halving emissions by 2030, rather than 2050, is possible. This can be achieved through rapid innovation and behavioural change.

Methods to achieve this goal include cutting waste and energy use in half, adopting clean technologies at an increased rate, and changing dietary habits. Governments, cities, and businesses all have a role in this, the report adds.

The plan also recommends investing in renewable energy, reducing the consumption of meat and dairy products, developing green infrastructure, and increasing tree planting. Achieving this swift carbon neutrality, the report concludes, will require global cooperation and commitment.

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