Deutsche Bahn Rolls Out Reusable Cups, Aims to Cut Annual Plastic Waste by 41 Tonnes

Deutsche Bahn Rolls Out Reusable Cups, Aims to Cut Annual Plastic Waste by 41 Tonnes

Deutsche Bahn (DB), Germany’s national rail service, is offering coffee in porcelain or glass cups. The initiative is aimed at reducing waste. It reverses DB’s 2013 decision to switch to single-use cups.

This change will be implemented on DB’s high-speed ICE trains by the end of December. For regular regional trains, it will commence in early 2023. Customers returning their cups will receive a €0.25 (21p) discount on their next purchase.

The company expects the move to keep about 41 tonnes of plastic waste out of landfills annually. This initiative is part of DB’s campaign to reduce environmentally harmful waste.

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