“Green Economy and Net Zero: A Winning Combo to Curb Carbon Emissions, Berthelsen Claims in The Critic”

"Green Economy and Net Zero: A Winning Combo to Curb Carbon Emissions, Berthelsen Claims in The Critic"

The “Net Zero” approach is critical to reducing carbon emissions, according to Derrick Berthelsen in The Critic. Climate change necessitates transitioning to a greener economy that implements technologies that result in less environmental impact. Berthelsen emphasizes the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of this approach.

A major factor in this transition is green finance. This involves channeling funds towards climate-friendly projects. Businesses, in particular, play a key role in this via ESG investing, which considers environmental, social and governance issues.

However, Berthelsen warns of potential pitfalls. He cautions against allowing climate policy to become an ideology, prioritising symbolism over efficacy. Policymakers must be careful to balance environmental objectives with economic realities.

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