Decarbonizing Power, Industry, and Transport: The Key for India to Hit 2070 Net Zero Targets

Decarbonizing Power, Industry, and Transport: The Key for India to Hit 2070 Net Zero Targets

To meet its net zero targets by 2070, India needs to decarbonize its grid, industry, and transport sectors, says Business Today. This involves replacing fossil fuels with cleaner, renewable energy sources.

In the power sector, this could mean increased use of solar and wind energy. Achieving a fully renewable grid will require massive infrastructure changes and investment.

In industry and transport, more energy-efficient technologies and electric vehicles could be part of the solution. However, the transition will not be easy, especially for India’s vast and diverse industries and transport networks.

Despite the challenge, the transition to a greener economy is crucial for India’s sustainability and for combating global climate change.

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